Year: 2018

  • Adinkra Cardinal Signs

    Below are the assigned Adinkra Cardinal Signs and Symbols. Cardinal Direction Element Adinkra Symbol Meaning of Adinkra symbol Sacred Animal North Earth Adu Hwam Fragrance Black Panther South Fire Aprukuma A medicinal seed Cobra East Air Abode Santann Totality of the Universe Tawny Eagle West Water Nea Ope Se Obedi Hene He/She who wants to…

  • Adinkra Card Game Numbers

    Adinkra card game has a total of 52 cards. This consist of the 28 spheres of the Adinkra Flower of Life (AFOL) and 22 paths of the Adinkra Tree of Life (ATOL). There is one miscellaneous sphere and one miscellaneous path giving a total of 52 spheres and paths as demonstrated in the diagram below.