Category: Akan Proverbs

  • Mfuo

    Adinkra wo mfuo dccso a, woye nE Ninaa. Akan Wo mfuo dooso a, woye ne nyinaa. English If you have many farms, you cultivate them all.

  • Dua

    Adinkra dua a ENa wo a ebewc waMi no, yEtu asEe; yensEnsEnE ano. Akan Dua a enya wo a ebewo wani no, yetu asee; yensensene ano. English A stick that has the potential to piece ones eye is uprooted rather than sharpened.

  • Kokosakyi

    Adinkra kckcsaCQi si ctoC nEC kosua wc soCroC, efiri se bcmmcfoCc hoC ye hu. Akan Kokosakyi si oto ne kosua wo soro, efiri se bommofuo ho ye hu. English Though I am not edible, “says the vulture, “yet I nurse my eggs in the branches of a tall tree because man is hard to be…

  • Afuru bom

    Adinkra funtunfunEfu nEC denQemfunEfu, wcn aCfuru bom nansoC woCrECdidi a na wcrECkoC, Efiri se aCduanEC de yetEC noC wc mECnECtwitwiE mu.

  • Agya

    Adinkra agya bi wu a, agya bi tE asE. Akan Agya bi wu a, agya bi te ase. English One gain a new father when you lose your father.

  • Nyame

  • Nsatea

    Adinkra nsatEa nyinaa nnye pe. Akan Nsatea nyinaa nnye pe. English All fingers are not equal

  • Otumfuo Osei Tutu II

    English “When a king has good counsellors, his reign is peaceful” – Ghanaian proverb.

  • Onyansafuo

    Adinkra yesoma onyansafoc, enye anamcntEntEn. Akan Yesoma onyansafuo, enye anamontenten. English We send a wise person, not one with long legs.

  • Asuahunu

    Adinkra adEe nyina dan asuahunu. Akan Adee nyina dan asuahunu. English Experience is the best teacher.