Tag: Adinkra symbol
Nea Onnim No Sua A, Ohu: Symbol
nECa onnim noC sua a, ohu Transliteration “He/She who does not know, will know from learning”. Meaning Perseverance, service and hard work in the acquisition of knowledge.
Funtunfunefu Denkyemfunefu: Symbol
funtunfunEfu denQemfunEfu Transliteration “Conjoined crocodiles” Meaning Democracy and unity in diversity.
Nkonsonkonson: Symbol
nkcnscnkcnscn Transliteration “Chain or Link” Meaning Symbolizes interdependence, brotherhood and cooperation.
Boa Me Na Me Mmoa Wo: Symbol
boCa mEC na mEC mmoCa woC Transliteration “Help me and let me help you” Meaning Symbol of cooperation and interdependence.
Osram Ne Nsoromma: Symbol
csram nEC nsoCroCmma Transliteration “The Moon and the Star” Meaning Symbolizes love, faithfulness and harmony.
Ananse Ntontan: Symbol
anansEC ntoCntan Transliteration “Spider web” Meaning Symbolizes wisdom, creativity and the complexities of life.
Sunsum: Symbol
sunsum Transliteration The “Soul” Meaning Symbolizes cleanliness of spirit and spirituality.
Yebehyia bio: Symbol
yEbESia bio Transliteration “We shall meet again” Meaning Symbolizes all things in nature are linked and we shall meet again after saying goodbye.
Aya: Symbol
aya Transliteration “Fern”. Meaning The fern is hardy plant that can grow in difficult places.
Sankofa: Symbol
sankcfa Transliteration “Go back and take”. Meaning Bringing past useful experiences into the present.