Author: adinkraalphabet_r0g8j4

  • Tree

    Adinkra moko Enmee TohE ni Eya yE kccycc abo. Ga Moko enmee tsohe ni eya ye kooyoo abo. English No one will leave the tree to embrace the wind

  • Crocodile vs Alligator

    Adinkra viNE Kc NuiE ElabE Elo FE MuKEa EvE FE MuKEE, Ewe Vinye kpo nyuie, elabe elo fe nukpea eve fe nukpee. English The public disgrace of the crocodile is equally the shame of the alligator.

  • Stone

  • Patience

    Adinkra sunulo vECla di malibu nto. Dagbani Sunulo vela di malibu nto. English Patience is good, but hard to practice.

  • Onyansafuo

    Adinkra yesoma onyansafoc, enye anamcntEntEn. Akan Yesoma onyansafuo, enye anamontenten. English We send a wise person, not one with long legs.

  • Kobe Bryant

  • Stranger

    Adinkra a strangEr dancEs; hE doEs not sing. English A stranger dances; he does not sing.

  • Bird and Feathers

    Adinkra if you want somEonE morE knowlEdgEable than yoursElf to idEntify a bird you do not first rEmovE thE fEathErs. English If you want someone more knowledgeable than yourself to identify a bird you do not first remove the feathers.

  • Harmattan

    aCdinkra yennoCm nsuo ntwen ope. English Nobody can prepare for harmattan by drinking plenty of water.

  • The Moon

    Adinkra thE moon movEs slowly but it CrossEs thE town. English The moon moves slowly but it crosses the town.