Tag: Adinkra Alphabet
X in Adinkra Alphabet
Adinkra Alphabet character X/x is an array marker.
Ghana Adinkra Alphabet
Adinkra Alphabet is a phonetic writing system derived from Adinkra symbols for the Ghanaian languages of Akan, Ewe, Ga and Dagbani. Adinkra Alphabet was created by Charles Korankye in 2015. Adinkra Alphabet has 42 characters and 45 glyphs. This consist of 10 vowels and 32 consonants as shown below. There are also 10 numerals and…
Dagbani Alphabet
Dagbani Alphabet in Adinkra has 42 characters and 45 glyphs. This consist of 10 vowels and 32 consonants as shown below. There are also 10 numerals and and an array marker.
Ga Alphabet
Ga Alphabet in Adinkra has 42 characters and 45 glyphs. This consist of 10 vowels and 32 consonants as shown below. There are also 10 numerals and and an array marker.
Ewe Alphabet
Ewe Alphabet in Adinkra has 42 characters and 45 glyphs. This consist of 10 vowels and 32 consonants as shown below. There are also 10 numerals and and an array marker.
Akan (Twi) Alphabet
Akan (Twi) Alphabet in Adinkra has 42 characters and 45 glyphs. This consist of 10 vowels and 32 consonants as shown below. There are also 10 numerals and and an array marker.
Ghanaian Adinkra Alphabet
Adinkra Alphabet is a phonetic writing system derived from Adinkra symbols for Ghanaian languages of Akan, Ewe, Ga and Dagbani. There are a total of 42 characters in Adinkra Alphabet. Adinkra Alphabet was created in 2015 by Charles Korankye. There are 10 vowels in Adinkra Alphabet. Adinkra character C (C) is a vowel marker. There…
Adinkra Alphabet Review in the Ghanaian Daily Graphic
Adinkra Alphabet Review in the Ghanaian Daily Graphic on July 18, 2018 by Timothy Ngnenbe.
Osram Ne Nsoromma: Alphabet
csram nEC nsoCroCmma Glyph c Transliteration “The Moon and the Star”. Meaning Symbolizes love, faithfulness and harmony.
Dwennimmen: Alphabet
jECnnimmen Glyph j Transliteration “Ram’s horns”. Meaning Symbolizes humility together with strength.